Three coins are tossed. Describe Two events which are mutually exclusive.
When three coins are tossed, the sample space is given by
$S =\{ HHH , \,HHT , \,HTH ,\, HTT , \,THH , \,THT , \,TTH , \,TTT \}$
Two events that are mutually exclusive can be
$A:$ getting no heads and $B:$ getting no tails
This is because sets $A=\{T T T\}$ and $B=\{H H H\}$ are disjoint.
In a throw of a die, what is the probability of getting a number less than $7$
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Seven chits are numbered $1$ to $7$. Three are drawn one by one with replacement. The probability that the least number on any selected chit is $5$, is
The probability of happening an event $A$ is $0.5$ and that of $B$ is $0.3$. If $A$ and $B$ are mutually exclusive events, then the probability of happening neither $A$ nor $B$ is
A coin is tossed. If it shows a tail, we draw a ball from a box which contains $2$ red and $3$ black balls. If it shows head, we throw a die. Find the sample space for this experiment.